
This is not an exhaustive list but includes some of the common procedures carried out by Ipswich Urology.

Stone treatments

ESWL - Extra-corporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy breaks up stones using focussed shockwave (vibrational soundwave) energy. The stone breaks into small fragments which pass out and prevent the need for surgery. The procedure is usually performed as a daycase without anaesthetic but may need some treatment with painkillers. This procedure has good results but is not always successful and most patients will require an average of 2 treatments.

Ureteroscopy and Laser - This procedure uses a narrow telescope which is inserted via the urethra (water pipe) into the bladder and then up into ureter (the tube connecting the kidney to the bladder), to remove stones. The stones may also need to be broken-up for removal and this can be done with a number of different energy sources including using a holmium laser. This procedure requires a general anaesthetic and usually requires an overnight stay.

PCNL - Per-Cutaneous NephroLithotomy is used to treat large stones in the kidney. A narrow tract is formed via a small wound from the loin (outside edge of the abdomen / tummy) into the kidney and a telescope is passed directly into the kidney which allows the stone to be fragmented and removed. This procedure requires a general anaesthetic and patient will stay in hospital for 2-3days.

Insertion of JJ Stent - is an internal drainage tube placed into the ureter (tube running from the kidney to the bladder). A "stent" is used in patients who have or may have an obstruction (blockage) of the kidney. It is often performed in conjunction with one of the procedures described above. This procedure is commonly performed under general anaesthetic using a cystoscope (telescope passed into the bladder via the water pipe).

Other Kidney Procedures

Nephrectomy- is the complete removal of a kidney. This is usually performed as a treatment for kidney cancer but can also be performed for removal of non-functioning or poor functioning kidneys with stones, infection or causing pain. This procedure can often be performed using laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery.
Partial Nephrectomy- is the removal of a portion of a kidney. This is sometimes possible if there is a small tumour on the edge of the kidney.

NephroUreterectomy - is removal of both the kidney and the ureter (drainage tube running between the kidney and the bladder). This maybe required for tumours affecting the drainage system of the kidney.  This procedure can sometimes be performed using laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery.

Pyeloplasty - is an operation to repair the drainage (plumbing) of the kidney when there is an obstruction (blockage) affecting the kidney function or causing symptoms. This procedure can usually be performed using laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery.

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